Learn Binding Repair & You Will Never Have A Shortage Of Repair Work
Binding Repairs Keep Us Very Busy...
You will never run out of repair work if you learn to master the proper techniques to reattach the binding. Unfortunately, this is a repair if done improperly, you can ruin a guitar. We see plenty of those bad jobs eventually make their way to us.
For the first time ever, you can learn the expert process so you can take these repair jobs on confidently.
Master Luthier Barrett Culpepper teaches the Southeast Guitar Repair technique he uses every day to repair the notorious Martin binding repair. Martin binding repairs keep us very busy. There is not a day that goes by here, where someone is not doing a binding job. Martin Guitars are notorious for the binding coming off. Our technique is very solid. If done correctly, binding should not have to be repaired in the same area. We are one of Martin's top Authorized Service Centers in the U.S. Martin trusts us to repair these for them every day. If you call them and ask who is their recommended Service Center in the Southeast, they will send you to Southeast Guitar Repair.